Current Students

Find below a list of topics and links comprising information related to the student lifecycle, like important dates, policies, fees, student support and other resources to help you with your studies.

Includes important dates such as enrolment, census, exams, study breaks and more. Click here to access the Academic Calendar.

On the Policies and Procedures page you will find a list of policies, procedures and guidelines that are relevant to IGI students. It is important that you are familiar with these documents, which set the rules that govern our operations, as well as your rights, responsibilities and accountabilities as an IGI student.


Go to Fees and Payments for details on the tuition fees you need to pay for your course, amounts and due dates, non-tuition fees, and available payment options.

On the Systems and Tech FAQ page you will find important information on security, tech support and login information.

At International Graduate Institute we provide a service to improve our students’ wellbeing and help them reach their potential during their studies. Click here to learn more!

Our Student Services team can provide you with help and advice during your studies at IGI. This includes information about the admissions process, orientation program details, enrolment documentation, understanding and accessing policies and procedures and enquiring about and booking counselling services. Read More!