Our friendly Student Services team can provide you with help and advice during your studies at IGI. This includes information about the admissions process, orientation program details, enrolment documentation, understanding and accessing policies and procedures and enquiring about and booking counselling services. The IGI student services team provide exceptional levels of service and if you are unsure about anything, will be happy to assist you.
We want to know what motivates you and we want to support you in any way we can to ensure you are successful. We acknowledge study can be daunting or difficult and sometimes you might need a bit of extra help along the way. IGI is committed to ensuring that you receive sufficient support to help you achieve your educational goals.
Our Student Support Procedure outlines how, when and where to access support. If we are unable to help directly, we will arrange appropriate support as required, including in the form of referrals to external services or other third parties. All reasonable support to enable students to achieve expected learning outcomes will be provided at no additional cost. Requests for additional support will be dealt with in confidence.
If at any time throughout your studies you require extra guidance and assistance outside class times regarding the content of a unit or assessment task, IGI academic staff are available for consultation. Lecturers have consultation hours every week and will let you know what times they are available. Please prepare specific considered questions before seeking consultation. You are expected to have completed readings and attempted to solve problems by yourself before consulting with staff.
Students are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification during classes wherever possible. This enables a unit lecturer to address points that are pertinent to the whole student body. Where a student’s question related to a unit content is expected to be relevant to other students, that question and the lecturer’s response may be included on Moodle, so you may want to check the discussion board on your unit Moodle site.
For free after-hours support, all IGI students can seek assistance from Studiosity which is a 24/7 on-demand study help service. There are subject specialists and student mentors that can help you with academic literacy skills and core subject support.
Students must maintain satisfactory academic progression and achieve the course learning outcomes required to complete the qualification. Before commencing a course, you have been provided with information that explains academic progression requirements.
You must complete your course within the expected course duration or approved maximum course duration outlined in your Letter of Offer and Written Agreement issued to you during the admissions process.
The Course Coordinator is available to offer you information about course progression and degree requirements, to assist you with questions about IGI academic policies and procedures, or about academic resources and how to access them.
To maintain satisfactory academic progress, you must maintain a progress rate that will allow you to complete your course within the maximum course duration as indicated in your Letter of Offer and Written agreement. A student will be deemed as not making satisfactory progress if they fail a certain number of units in their course in any sequence or study period. Please refer to the Academic Progression Policy published on IGI website for details.
Please use the contact details provided to get in touch with us if at any time you feel you need assistance with your study.
As an Australian higher education student, you are expected to uphold academic integrity at all times during your studies. Academic integrity is the expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.
You can support academic integrity by:
• acknowledging where the information you use comes from, clearly citing or referencing the source
• sitting your own exams and submitting your own work
• accurately reporting research findings and abiding by research policies
• using information appropriately, according to copyright and privacy laws
• acting ethically or doing the ‘right thing’, even when you are facing difficulties.
Breaches of academic integrity include:
• Plagiarism
• Recycling or resubmitting work
• Fabricating information
• Collusion
• Exam cheating
• Contract cheating and impersonation
For details, please see the Academic Integrity Policy published on IGI website.
Breaching academic integrity is also known as ‘academic misconduct’ or ‘academic dishonesty’ and attracts consequences as outlined in the policy. It is important that you read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy as substantial penalties can apply if you are found in breach of academic integrity. If you have any queries please contact us.
To help you understand academic integrity and avoid breaches, all students are required to complete the IGI Academic Integrity Module (AIM) available on Moodle. The Academic Integrity Module is compulsory for all commencing students and must be completed before classes commence. The module takes about 60-90 minutes to complete. You can choose to complete it in one sitting, or you may prefer to complete one module at a time. You are required to complete all of the modules and cases and associated quiz questions to successfully complete the AIM. You will receive a badge for completing all AIM modules and quizzes successfully.
IGI uses Turnitin, a plagiarism prevention software, to calculate the percentage of similarity between an assignment submitted by a student and multiple sources. Turnitin allows lecturers to check for improper citation by comparing it against databases that are constantly being updated using advanced search technology.
PBL Education Pty Ltd., trading as the International Graduate Institute (IGI), is a registered institute of higher education (PRV14347) and a registered provider of higher education to overseas students (CRICOS Provider Code 04116M). All courses delivered by IGI are accredited and are recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Copyright PBL Education Pty Ltd trading as International Graduate Institute (IGI), ACN 640 184 747, Provider ID PRV14347, CRICOS Provider Code 04116M.
Level 5, 540 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | (+61) 2 9279 0733